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Records Management

Records Management is responsible for coordinating the agency’s records management program. Florida Law requires that every government agency “…establish and administer a Records Management Program directed to the application of efficient and economical management methods relating to the creation, utilization, maintenance, retention, preservation, and disposal of records.” (Chapter 257, F.S.). The Public Records Law, Florida Statutes, Chapter 119, states that all state, county and municipal records shall be open for personal inspection by any person. The Department of State, Judicial Rules of Administration, Division of Library and Information Services of the Department of State (aka BARM) shall adopt rules to establish retention schedules and a disposal process for public records. Chapter 119 and Judicial Rules of Administration also states that each agency shall establish a program for the disposal of records that do not have sufficient legal, fiscal, administrative, or archival value in accordance with retention schedules established by BARM.

A records management program for all levels of Florida Government is outlined in Chapters 119 and 257, Florida Statutes as well as the Judicial Rules for Administration. The records management program is very broad in scope and covers every aspect of public records, from their creation to their ultimate destruction.

Courts records are subject to Rules of Judicial Administration.  All access, retention and destruction are performed in accordance with the court rules.