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Passport Applications

The Okaloosa County Clerk of Court’s office accepts applications and provides photo services for passports at both locations, in person, by appointment only. Please note that if you are not prepared when you arrive to your appointment, you may be asked to schedule a new appointment.

To avoid having to come to the Clerk’s Office twice, the following recommendations are made for your visit:

  • Uniforms should not be worn in the photograph (except for religious attire).
  • Writing or photos on shirts is discouraged.
  • A hat or headgear that obscures the hair or hairline should not be worn (except for religious attire).
  • Glasses must be removed unless they are required for medical reasons (a medical certificate may be required).
  • Any exceptions noted above may require a brief written note or explanation.
  • An unacceptable photograph may delay the issuance of a passport.

Photos are not required to be taken by the Clerk’s Office (there are other businesses who offer this service) and we recommend you read the photo requirements as noted on the website

Other Helpful Passport Information

  • You should complete the passport application in advance of coming to the Clerk’s Office. You should use BLACK INK ONLY.
  • DO NOT SIGN the application until you are in front of a deputy clerk. The Clerk’s Office must witness your signature.
  • The U.S. Department of State does not accept cash or credit cards. Separate payment must be made to the Clerk’s Office and the U.S. Department of State. If you are paying by check or money order, TWO separate forms of payment will be required. You can pay the Clerk’s Office by cash or credit card and the U.S. Department of State by check or money order.
  • Some cruise lines will let you board without a passport but still require other documentation such as a birth certificate, certified copy of your official name change, etc.… If you have questions, be sure to call your cruise line prior to your trip and verify what documentation they require for you to board.
  • Depending on the destination of your cruise ship, passports may not be required but it may be prudent to have one anyway in the event of an emergency and you are required to leave the ship.
  • All submitted documents must be original or certified as an original including birth certificates. Please note that these documents will be sent with your passport application but will be returned to you from the passport agency. The Clerk’s Office is not responsible for any lost documents by the passport agency.
  • We do not process renewal applications (Form DS-82). If you meet this criteria, you may renew, and there is no appointment necessary.
  • All children under age 16 must apply for a passport in person with two parents or guardians using Form DS-11. You cannot renew your child’s passport using Form DS-82, they must apply for a new passport. Passports for children under age 16 are only valid for 5 years.

Other Questions

Visit our Passport FAQ page for more information.